Poll results: What you want to see on VeloWebLog

by Raymond Parker on October 4, 2010

in Blog, Writing

The recent poll on VeloWebLog, asking users what they wanted to see here, produced these results:

  • Bicycle-related 67%
  • Photo/video 60%
  • Everything 40%
  • Environment 17%
  • Mountaineering 13%
  • Poetry 7%

(respondents could vote on more than one category)

No one gave a thumbs down, which was gratifying, and taking this sample as representative of the larger audience, there were no big surprises. I did perhaps expect that there might be more of an audience for the mountaineering stories. I know, however, I have several fans of that content, so I’ll continue to throw the odd climbing feature into the mix. No surprise that poetry drew the lowest vote, yet those pages get a surprising amount of traffic. Who would guess so many people Google “Rocky Mountain poems?”  I take the 40% thumbs up for “everything” (so that’s tons more votes for poetry :-)) as a green light to stay pretty much with the mix I’ve been offering.

I’m assuming (correctly?) that most bicycle enthusiasts generally share my interest in the outdoors in general, and the natural environment that guarantees continued enjoyment of its pleasures.

As mentioned last Wednesday, I’m moving content from the VeloWeb “stories” section, into the blog. The process is nearly complete and marks the beginning of the merger of content. I’ll be completing the process over the winter, as I solve technical challenges to presentation of the VeloWeb pages.

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