Blog Notes

Occasionally, VeloWeb undergoes some housecleaning, updates, technical modifications and redesigns. These posts track those changes, reviews experiences with social media and other concerns of the bloggers life

Confessions of a lapsed bike blogger

by Raymond Parker on January 14, 2015

in Autobiography, Blog, Photography

Unsaddled and bedridden

by Raymond Parker on February 21, 2013

in Blog, Health

Top 10 VeloWebLog posts 2012

by Raymond Parker on January 7, 2013

in Blog

The scattered tools of the trade

by Raymond Parker on March 8, 2012

in Blog

Getting my bearings

by Raymond Parker on February 6, 2012

in Blog, Technical, Video, Writing

Of mollusks, multiple eBook formats, and Monty Python

by Raymond Parker on February 1, 2012

in Blog, Writing