On a beautiful sunny day in Victoria today, I stopped into Fairfield Bicycle Shop (where IÂ worked for 2 years).
It’s been a while since I saw my old colleagues Grant, Max and Tim, oogled bike stuff, and caught up on industry news.
There’s some big changes afoot. Original proprietor Richard has rejoined the team and the shop is moving … not far—It’ll still be in the same building—but the storefront will be on Moss Street (where it meets Fairfield Road), rather than Oscar, in the space formerly occupied by the corner store.
There’s a lot of work ahead, but the guys are eager to move stock into the new space, which will allow much better display of bikes, all on one floor.
Look for a very different shop come spring, but with the same expert service.
Well, for sure they need more space.
What happened to Mom n’ Pop’s Convenience Store that was on that corner?
Forced out by the mega-corporate world of bicycles? ;0 ]
Or was it the Big Franchise across the street?
We hate to lose the independent little businesses (even if the proprietors are a bit cranky).
Kapitan: Anthony, the owner of the convenience store, has moved to the smaller building across the way, on Fairfield–a much better location for him.
Everyone is happy with the new arrangements.
Nice to see Richard back…at my favourite bike shop!
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