Greetings from fabulous Clayoquot Sound. I’m writing to you from a beachfront hideaway, where, for the last 4 days, I’ve been trying to banish the distractions of the city and concentrate on writing. The former wish has been granted in full; as for the latter intention … these are the first words I’ve recorded.
It seems my dual-personality, as scribe and visual artist, has directed me to the compelling wonders outside the confines of this room. As a result, all I have to offer is this 1 minute video. However, you’ll find I’ve compressed a lot of action into that minute.
Though I’ve had fun cruising the beaches, my bike isn’t exactly a “beach cruiser” and the new tires could do with an extra inch of flotation. To fit in with the Tofino surfing community, I should also install one of the ubiquitous surfboard carriers. The bike path along the highway is crowded with fat-tired cruisers.
The trick to negotiating sand, in any case, is to ride along the surf-line, where the surface is hardened (for the most part) by its water content.
Repeat visitors will also notice this as my first contribution to Vimeo. It will likely not be my last, for reasons I may examine in a future post. This is also the first video I’ve uploaded at full 1080 HD. If you want the full effect, click through to Vimeo and watch at full screen.
I return to the city tomorrow, so it’s unlikely I’ll break down the writers’ block this sojourn was meant to resolve. Maybe I’m going to have to hide my cameras and find a less beautiful retreat.
3 of the last 4 years Kathy and I have stayed at Middle Beach Lodge (hard to see it in the background trees of your North facing shots) in the spring for a few days each time. This past January I walked McKenzie Beach in an absolutely howling rainstorm. Going again in 2013 with Kathy’s aunt and uncle who have never been to this part of the wet coast and hopefully will see some stormy weather again.
Laurie: On the way out the wind and rain really set in. I stopped to video (can one say video”tape” these days?) some surf kayakers. With plastic bags covering my gear, I climbed up onto a prominent rock, around which the waves were breaking–you know, the ones people get washed off of and out to sea.
The resulting “footage” is, shall we say, atmospheric.
I agree: though there’s nothing like a beach walk on a sunny day (those technicolor sunsets!), the power of the ocean reveals itself in bad weather. It’s beautiful, unless of course you’re in a boat being washed helplessly towards the Graveyard of the Pacific.
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