Straight talk about saddles

by Raymond Parker on November 28, 2011

in Cycling, Technical

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Straight, Laced Brooks B.17

I’m going to level with you; I see way too many off-kilter saddles.

Perhaps, occasionally, due to certain peculiarities, a cyclist may opt to tilt their seat a degree or two up or down. However, the majority of riders will be most comfortable with a level fulcrum propping their pistons, in order to avoid the perils of perineal pustules.

Saddle manufacturers of all stripes build their products to be horizontally positioned.

This includes Brooks saddles, despite claims by some owners that they need to tip the nose up in order to stop themselves from sliding forwards. If you have this problem, there’s something else wrong with your bike fit.

Don’t take it from me; here’s one of the oldest and most respected companies in the business on correct saddle fitment.

lee kenney November 28, 2011 at 9:51 am

Damn just when I thought it was safe to “proof-hide” my saddle; now I’m going to be looking for those pesky perineal pustules. Can I get an AP for that, do they come in any other colour? As a fond admirer of ischial tuberosities and the surrounding tissues,I share your concern. Vive le difference, saddle fit is very important to the feminine riders. And those pesky french, with all their different words and thread sizes have the Ideale 90. Observation and admiration of saddle fit is a good thing! Graffiti spotted “Now that we have Facebook, can Assbook be far behind?”

Raymond Parker November 28, 2011 at 10:35 am

Lee, I appreciate your candid attention to detail. You deserve the title of “Chief Examiner,” in this case.

If we’re really going to get to the bottom of this issue, we can’t hide behind false decorum.

lee kenney November 28, 2011 at 11:12 am

Ah gracious and omnipotent webmaster thank you for this honor.Do I get any diploma and can I put it under hobbies or work history in my resume?P.S. Google homepage allows you put Queen’s Bicycle Race as a back ground, done.

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