“Oscar” night at British Columbia Randonneurs

by Raymond Parker on March 12, 2010

in Cycling, Randonneuring

Spring Social 2010

Last weekend, on March 6, I attended BC Randonneurs Cycling Club’s spring social, where Super Randonneur medals and club awards are traditionally distributed, along with pints, pitchers and pinot noir.

The decision to brave the ferry trip to the BC Mainland on my damaged leg, was encouraged by club secretary Ali Holt and her husband, Mainland Route Coordinator Roger Holt, who provided transportation to and from the ferry and graciously hosted my wife Amanda Jones and I at their beautiful float home on the Fraser River.

The Social was organized this year by new executive member Nigel Press and held in New Westminster, home of my wasted youth. It was a wonderful event, all the more appreciated following the long isolation of my convalescence. I have served on the club executive for the last 5 years and as Vancouver Island route coordinator for the years 2006-2009, but I was not prepared for the surprise of being granted the Roger Street Award “in recognition of outstanding contribution to the club.”

Not expecting the accolade, I had not prepared my acceptance speech as well as last night’s Oscar winners, so here I’d like to be more specific with my thanks to all the committee members who accorded me this great honour. I am humbled to be included with previous recipients of this prestigious award who have done so much to advance the club, and through it the sport we love.

My job was simplified by the invaluable help of Amanda and Vancouver Island volunteers. I’d like to particularly acknowledge Patrick Wright, Jenny Watson and Lindsay Martin whose selfless work on behalf of the membership went beyond the call of duty, especially during the days following my injury. Ken Bonner has also worked hard organizing Island ultra events for the last 4 seasons.

Last but not least, I must credit Stephen and Carol Hinde, whose work over twenty years on Vancouver Island built the solid foundation on which I have stood.

Other awards of note: Barry Chase was awarded the John Hathaway “Iron Butt” Trophy for most event distance. Deirdre Arscott was awarded a special distinction from Audax Club Parisien for the 100,000th 300 km. Barry, Michel Richard and Keith Nichol received their 40,000 km lifetime event distance medals. Barry and Tracy Barill received Randonneur 5000 pins. Plus 49 riders received Super Randonneur pins, including 12 first-timers. Congratulations all!

@ BC Randonneurs: Photos from the socialComplete awards page

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