A helmet-cam view of Paris-Brest-Paris, 2011

by Raymond Parker on March 5, 2012

in Cycling, Randonneuring, Video

I recently stumbled across these very interesting Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 videos on YouTube, from Russian(?) rando “Zavignor.”

As you may know, Russian riders figure highly in my memories of PBP.

The action, if you will, in this five-part video series, begins with travelling to and registration for this 1200 kilometre brevet of brevets. There’s some fairly pedestrian (literally) coverage—randonneuring is not racing, after all—but those who have been to PBP or those who’d like to see what it’s all about will find the footage fascinating.

I’ve embedded part 1 here. For the rest, follow the links below or click through to Zavignor’s YouTube channel. Thanks for the memories, Zavignor!

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lcH8M9X9uY[/youtube]Part 1

Part 2 (start) | Part 3 | Part 4 (way back) | Part 5 (last day)

What is randonneuring?

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