A tax designed to punish British Columbia cyclists!
“We have taken a huge step backwards … by making it more expensive to ride a bicycle and shielding 4-wheel carbon-emitting vehicles from taxes.” ~Rob Fleming, NDP Environment Critic
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI2IE9C1acI[/youtube]March 3, 2010
Update, August 26, 2011:
The people of B.C. have spoken, with a resounding NO … or rather YES to scrapping the hated HST.
The Liberal Party is saying it will take 18 months to reinstate the PST/GST system and old exemptions will be returned. Will that include bicycles?
Update, June 28, 2011:
I should re-title this post “Just say yes to say no to the HST.”
In typically deceptive manner, the Liberals are holding a referendum on this regressive tax that will ask British Columbians the question “Are you in favour of extinguishing the HST and reinstating the PST in conjunction with the GST.”
A mail-in ballot is supposed to be delivered before the end of the month. Unfortunately, a mail strike has slowed delivery leaving little time for citizens to prepare.
On June 27, B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix called for a two week extension of key deadlines in the HST referendum.
His party has launched a campaign to maintain existing resistance to the tax and to make sure people understand that, in the Orwellian world of this government, “no” means “yes” and “yes” means “no.”
Six-hundred cycling supporters, including commuters, enthusiasts, retailers and manufacturers, turned out in Victoria today to protest the provincial government’s proposed 7% HST on bicycles, accessories and repairs.
New Democratic Party leader Carole James, Environment Critic Rob Fleming, rally organizer South Saanich MLA Lana Popham, Green Party leader Jane Sterk, civic activist David Cubberly and city councilor and cycling advocate John Luton criticized the government for deserting a transportation alternative that benefits the environment as well as public health, while exempting gasoline from this new tax.
This afternoon, Popham presented a petition to the legislature bearing nearly 5,000 signatures, opposing the HST on bicycling.
Young athletes may also be forgiven for wondering what is in the Olympic legacy for them. The new budget, released yesterday, also cuts funding to sports programs, including Cycling BC.
“The Province is taking significant steps to promote public transit, alternative transportation, compact communities and cleaner vehicles and fuels.” BC Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Action Plan
Cyclists in British Columbia have enjoyed an exemption from sales taxes on bicycles since it was removed, in 1981, by the Social Credit government. The Socreds, never seen as great advocates for the environment, nevertheless understood the benefits of promoting healthy exercise and energy conservation.
The present Liberal Party, while boasting of initiatives to control greenhouse gas emissions and promote preventative health measures is determined to introduce the “Harmonized Sales Tax” on bicycles in B.C.
Not only are the Liberals pushing this regressive tax just as bicycle commuters are taking to the streets in greater numbers, they also plan to exempt gasoline from the HST.
Obviously, actions speak louder than words. The Liberal government betrays its real agenda by propping up damaging and discredited technologies, while punishing those who are attempting to follow more positive paths toward personal health and environmental sustainability.
I know from working in bicycle retail how close industry margins are and how difficult it is for many customers to afford the bikes and accessories needed to make bicycle commuting and recreation a practical and safe alternative to motor travel. A 7% tax on bikes is neither eco-friendly, or sound long-term economic policy.
“Sport and Physical Activity for All – whereby British Columbians have access and ability to participate in sport and physical activity opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic background, age, gender, ethnicity, geographic location or ability.” Vision statement: BC Ministry of Healthy Living & Sport
SqueakyWheels.ca |No BC HST Facebook Group |Fight HST
Liberal Party claims on: Preventative Health & Environment
For more advocacy links, see the Commuter Resources page
We already pay GST on gas plus lots of BC tax, much more
than 7%, so if we paid HST on gas the price would drop &
that the gov’t wouldn’t do. I would be surprised if the
gov’t backed off on taxing bicycles. To be on the safe
side I have ordered and paid for a new custom road bike
there by saving a few hundred dollars on tax.
Good for British Columbians! We in Ontario whine but do nothing about the upcoming HST. This of course is the Ontario way.
I even believe the Conservatives (Ontario) have said they are against it, though have no plans on reversing it if they get in power.
Best of luck!
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