A tune-up for VeloBlogger

by Raymond Parker on August 12, 2010

in Blog, Health

Dear Readers:

Your faithful VeloBlogger is going in for some repairs and will be indisposed for a short time. I’ve scheduled a couple of things that will shorten the blogus interuptus, until I’m back in the saddle.

Check out the new picture on the blog About page (click to enlarge) and don’t forget there’s also a whole lot of cool stuff in the VeloWeb pages too. And speaking of things mechanical, there’s a new how-to technical article and video on removing and dismantling square-taper cranks.

While I’m away, please express your opinion via the poll in the right-hand sidebar. It’ll give me an idea what content is working—or not working—for you. Choose up to four options.

Of course, you can also leave more specific comments below.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer adventures. Isn’t that what we remember, when all is said and done?

"Kapitan" August 14, 2010 at 7:53 am

Thinking of you this morning; hoping you can bare the pane wiffout more feen. Try and look on the bright side: At least you’ll never become a heroine attic!
Hey, in Wolber’ampton do they pronounce “stalk” and “stork” the same or differently? OK, how ’bout “stuck”? Or “stark”? “Stack”?

“Always Look on the Bright Side of Life….” (Monty Python)

Don August 22, 2010 at 9:32 am

Hi Ray, I hope things are going well for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to your return.

Melanie August 22, 2010 at 7:22 pm

So nice to see you again, proving what a small world we are lucky enough to live in… I never forget people who inspire, which is why I remembered so many details of your story… Keep up the good work – I have a feeling I will enjoy following your blog, even though I don’t even own a bike!! Melanie, PT

Blanche August 23, 2010 at 6:05 pm

welcome back Ray!
I hope everything went well.
It wasn’t the same without you.

Raymond Parker August 27, 2010 at 9:58 am

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. As you’ll read in my next post, I have a way to go but will endeavour to keep my pecker up.

Kap, there’s a slight difference between the first two, the other three are quite different. I’ll try to “ennunciate” sometime.

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